5G Edge Innovations for Mining

Autonomous mining systems

The aim of the project is to create more intelligent mining systems that will further push the boundaries of autonomy, productivity and safety. 5G and edge computing should contribute to a higher level of automation in the mining industry. And more autonomy should lead to a better working environment and safer mines.


Right now, 5G is being rolled out on a broad front in Sweden. 5G means faster transmission capacity and lower delays. If 5G is also combined with edge computing, i.e. software can be deployed at the edge of a network instead of running in a traditional data center far from the end user, performance is further improved and real-time applications can be made significantly faster and more responsive. The overall aim is to create more intelligent systems that will push the boundaries of autonomy, productivity and safety in the mines. Read more

project goals

Develop a new and innovative 5G-edge system
Develop a portfolio of edge applications & PERFORMANCE LEVEL TESTING TOOLS
Demonstrate and use applications and systems in an industrial environment


The project will carry out pilot demonstrations of 5G-connected drones in a mining environment, innovative use of modern AI technology and a hardware and software stack for edge-to-cloud applications.

Examples of applications that will be developed include real-time video analysis, autonomous navigation, time-synchronized seismic sensors, augmented / virtual reality, etc.


The project is led by Luleå University of Technology and CDT with parties such as RISE, Ericsson, Hexatronic, BI Nordics, Flasheye, ThingWave and Softhouse. 

The main financier is NextGenerationEU through VINNOVA.


November 2021 - November 2024

Karl Anderssonkarl.andersson@ltu.se
+46 (0) 910-585 364

  • Pilots and demonstrations on 5G / Edge technology and 5G drones in mines
  • Edge software for AI analysis
  • Augmented reality that visualizes 3D content in real edge environments
  • New knowledge and skills around 5G edge systems and applications
  • Iterations of edge computing software and robust hardware implementation, including 5G IoT sensor solutions